
Adam Stutz is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Broken Lens Journal and the author of Transcript (Cooper Dillon Books, 2017) and The Scales (White Stag Publishing, 2018). His work has appeared in various print and online publications including A Sharp Piece of Awesome, Prelude, Be About It, Deluge, Dum Dum Zine, The Pinch, Where is the River, Dream Pop, Cover, Ghost Proposal, and can also be found at https://stutzwrites.com. He currently resides in Los Angeles, CA.

Sean Burdeaux is an artist/writer from San Diego. He runs the DIY label It's Okay, I'm Crying, releasing and promoting independent outsider artists. These music releases can be found here. Sean published Pharmaceuticals, Lemonade in 2014 and Shopkeep in 2017. He digitally released Infinity Ammo in 2019. His poems can be found here.

Shiv K (they/she) is a queer ezhava malayalee american writer. They are a runner up for Stellium Literary Magazine's Cusp Prize in Prose Poetry. Their work can also be found in Nat Brut and Long River Review.

Taylor Liljegren is a poet and educator based in Central Massachusetts. Her first poetry collection, Slapstick, was published in 2018 with Nixes Mate Press. In 2021, she founded Yes Molly Press, which focuses on multimedia poetry chapbooks. Her latest work can be found in "Cherry: A Desperate Housewives Chapbook", a collaborative effort with Zofia Provizer.

This poem is from Green's collection "mo(u)rning person". Green Dragonetti is a web developer by day and a painter, printmaker, and writer by night. They like to make sense of the world through sensory details that made their heart stop or their brain numb. Their short story "TV Preacher" is in the process of being published by Makeout Creek Books. Their instagram is @greenislost and their art account is @greendragonarty.

I asked Will O'Connell for a bio and he texted back "everything anyone has ever said is their bio, if you think about it." He doesn't have an Instagram or any other poems available on the public internet.

Zofia Provizer writes poetry and one liners that tug on their heart in the notes app, and teaches preschool. Their co-written chapbook, “Cherry: Desperate Housewives Chapbook” is out with Yes Molly Press. They have been published in Peach Mag, A Velvet Giant, Nixes Mate Review, Construction Lit Magazine, Epigraph Magazine, MockingHeart Review, and others. Their first poetry collection, “Lose Sight of Heaven” is published with Nixes Mate Books. Zofia is a self-proclaimed pop culture princess, and uses poetry for humor, and vulnerability and nastiness (define nastiness?). Zofia will forever grapple with the physical truth of memories vs. the truth of the feelings they leave behind, and where those two things intersect.